Who Is To Know…

There were two farmers who lived side by side, a long time ago in the days of the Chinese Emperor.

One day, the wise old farmer’s son brought home 20 wild brumbies.

His neighbour commented how fortunate this was as back in those days, 20 horses meant wealth.
The wise old farmer’s response was “who is to know what is good and what is bad”.

A few days later that same son fell off one of the brumbies whilst attempting to break it in. He suffered a nasty broken leg. The neighbour commented that this was truly devastating. The wise old farmer’s response was “who is to know what is good and what is bad”.

The next day the Emperor’s army swept through the villages taking every able bodied male over the age of 16 to fight in the war. They took one look at the wise old farmer’s son and left him alone in view of his broken leg.

Man thinking

Recently I racked up 25 years as a solicitor. For the last 20 of those years I have specialised in helping people hurt through no fault of their own. It has afforded me the privilege of helping some incredible people through extremely difficult circumstances that life can throw up.

Time and time again, I see the universe deliver what initially appears to be a tragic event for my client. But with time, support & resilience, ultimately my client goes on an incredible journey, resulting in arrival at a much happier place than prior to the accident. Often I witness a stronger, more enlightened soul emerge.

The next time life sends you a difficult challenge, remember the wise old farmer’s words …”who is to know what is good and what is bad”.

Contact Us Today

Dean Spanner

Director – Queensland Law Society Accredited Specialist

Dean is a Queensland Law Society Accredited Specialist in his area of expertise. He is one of approximately 110 such accredited specialists in Queensland.

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