Think before you post – the Court may see it one day

Technology is at our fingertips. It is so easy these days to share photos, stories and personal views on social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter. The problem is, once you post it, you can’t take it back.

Inevitably when you are involved in a family law dispute, there will be someone out there, whether it be an ex or a “friend” who feels they need to share what you say, who will use what you have posted against you. Whilst social media posts can be deleted, never underestimate the ability of others to screenshot what you have posted or sent. Nasty posts or comments often find their way into evidence before the Court. These can undermine your case in some circumstances. For example if you are seeking to co-parent your children with your ex partner, yet the 30 nasty posts about your ex partner which you posted over the last 3 weeks are shown to the Judge, how can a Judge be confident that you will encourage the relationship between the children and their other parent?

They say, dance like no-one is watching. A lawyer will tell you to post on social media as if it will be read in Court one day.

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