Children’s Wellbeing in a Divorce Toowoomba

See an expert

The safety, wellbeing and future happiness of our child/children is the most important concept to any parent especially during a divorce. If you are dealing with legal issues that are related to your children, it is important to have the reassurance of genuine expert advice and guidance.

Kennedy Spanner’s family law team, located in Toowoomba, has the experience and expertise to give you the right advice you need to protect your children and their interests.

Upon the separation of parents, the Family Law Act requires the best interests of the child become the primary focus and most important component when deciding on their living arrangements.

This does not mean an automatic equal amount of time must be spent with each parent but it does mean that each parent will have a right to their input on major decisions affecting the life of the child. This may include decisions about medical treatment, schooling and religious and cultural activities.

It is important to be aware of these legal principles and to give yourself realistic expectations about what Orders the Court may be willing to make where you are not on good terms with your former partner.

Dispute resolution

The law relating to how Courts approach children’s issues is very strongly weighted towards avoiding litigation and Court appearances. This is good news for parents and children alike as it ensures both parties must explore non-litigious options.

In the case that you are in a dispute with your former partner about the child’s wellbeing and other related issues you will be required to attend a family dispute resolution process before resorting to litigation unless an exception applies.

Once you have completed the dispute resolution process you can apply for a parenting Order.  Kennedy Spanner in Toowoomba, works hard to help you reach a resolution so that the parenting Order can be made jointly by both parties. It is important to note that reaching a resolution that both parties agree on may not always be possible.

We will advise you on what you should expect I during this part of the process and help you prepare a parenting Order that may deal with who the child should live with, how much time they will spend with each parent and how you and your former partner should communicate with each other.

Early action required

It is extremely important to remember that children’s issues should be dealt with as soon as possible after a separation occurs. By dealing with children’s issues straight way, you minimise the disruption and uncertainty that the child may face.

Children’s issues often bring high levels of stress and sometimes animosity between parents. Accordingly, it is important that each parent remain? focused on the child throughout the process to ensure that all decisions are made based on the ultimate wellbeing of the child/children.

If you need to know what to do in order to safeguard the future wellbeing of your children, I contact Kennedy Spanner Lawyers in Toowoomba for a confidential meeting today.

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