Post Separation Parenting Tips & Tricks

Post separation parenting tips and tricks

Separation can be one of the hardest things in life to experience. The person you once loved and trusted can become your most hated enemy. When children are involved, it is more important than ever to keep your emotions in check. Children who experience continuous high conflict between their parents can be impacted emotionally leading […]

Keen To Avoid Court? Try Collaborative Law

Puzzle pieces

What is Collaborative Law? Collaborative Law is an option that allows a resolution of your parenting matter and/or your property settlement when you want to avoid going to court. So what is it? A process that involves a series of meetings between you, your spouse and your collaboratively trained lawyers. You and your spouse in […]

5 Things To Know When Challenging a Will

Elderly man holding a baby above his head

If you have been left out of a Will, you may have rights. 1. Who Can Challenge a Will? A spouse (married or defacto) and a child of a deceased person can challenge a Will, or their estate if there was no Will. Someone who was financially dependent on the deceased can also challenge their […]

What’s up for Grabs in a Property Settlement?

Woman writing on box

What items are included and available for distribution between parties after the breakdown of a relationship seems like an easy question, however sometimes it can be rather complex. What is Property Settlement in Family Law? Within the field of Family Law, property settlement (also known as “Division of property”) refers to the separation of assets […]

Who Is To Know…

Man thinking|Farm plants

There were two farmers who lived side by side, a long time ago in the days of the Chinese Emperor. One day, the wise old farmer’s son brought home 20 wild brumbies. His neighbour commented how fortunate this was as back in those days, 20 horses meant wealth. The wise old farmer’s response was “who […]

Estate Planning in the Wake of COVID-19

icon of family|Face mask and sanitizer

The current COVID-19 Pandemic is a challenge for us all during these unsettling times.If you have been putting the preparation or the review of your existing Will in the “too hard basket” it is essential that you put the necessary arrangements in place to protect your interests to ensure your Estate is distributed in accordance […]

2 Spouses Anyone?

two people sitting on beach at sunset

It is not uncommon when discussing legal matters with our clients to be told that they have never done any Estate planning and therefore they do not have a Will. Most are still “getting around to doing one”. But without a Will the certainty of who will be your beneficiary may be taken out of […]

Euthanasia & Voluntary Assisted Dying in Qld – Is it time? Part 2

close up image of older female's hands

In my last article I made the case for our State Government to introduce voluntary assisted dying laws (VAD) for terminally ill patients. In June 2019 Victoria introduced VAD so I will take a look at what their system looks like. What is Euthanasia & VAD? Euthanasia involves action by another person, say a doctor, […]

Euthanasia & Assisted Dying- Is It Time Qld Pressed the Button?

Elderly Person Being Comforted

As a 17 year old in the late 1980s, I witnessed my dear Grandmother wither away over a number of agonising months in a country hospital. It was cancer. It was brutal. Not only for my Nana, but for my mother who cared for her every day in the Longreach Hospital. “The true measure of […]