About us

Our Story

We have been proudly serving our clients and the broader community with passion and dedication since 1999.

Why we do what we do

In 1999, our founding partners penned their vision of lawyering embodying what drives Kennedy Spanner Lawyers today. These timeless principles are the heartbeat of our firm, fueling our passion and dedication to every client we serve.

This is what it means to us to be a lawyer:

  • Because every day I get to help people through difficult times in their lives
  • Because I can help the disadvantaged
  • Because I honour the position of trust afforded me

  • Because the right to a fair trial is the foundation stone on which a free society is built

  • Because I relish the challenge of achieving the absolute best for my client

  • Because I realise that being an excellent Solicitor includes being a shoulder to lean on

  • Because sometimes I can indirectly touch the lives of children without them knowing

  • Because I enjoy constantly learning about not only the law but about myself

  • Because I am answering the call to serve others

  • Because I want to make a difference!

Our Mission

Life presents us with curve balls and difficult situations where it feels like we need a bridge to get across it. Our mission is to be there with you every step of the way to get you through, over or around the challenge which life has presented you.

If we can’t burst through it we will go around it. If we can’t go around we will dig a hole and get under it. We will find a way.

Our Values

Smart & Innovative

In our profession you must know the law and know it well. We encourage our team to be nimble and think outside the box. We do not constrain ourselves by traditions when tackling modern day problems.

Respect & Humility

Having a law degree does not make us any better than the next person. We keep our feet firmly on the ground and treat our clients and our team members as we would like to be treated.


Excellent lawyers are required to put the interests of their client above and beyond their own interests. We recognise that true integrity is doing the right thing even when no one is watching.


To us, without hunger for success, excellence will remain out of reach. Going above and beyond to help our clients and team drives us each day.


As the old saying goes there is no I in the word team for a reason. Our team is humble enough to recognise that excellent outcomes for our clients require exceptional teamwork.


We recognise that at the core of every meaningful successful relationship lies respectful and honest communication.

The KSL Difference

How we handle your legal issues

In our experience, if there are good lawyers on either side of the table, the majority of disputes should resolve before a court hearing. In other words, if lawyers on both sides are putting their client’s interests first there should almost always be a way to reach a compromise.

Why is that important? Because the legal costs to run matters through to trial can be very high. That is often great for the lawyers but not so good for your bank balance!

We enjoy going to Court. But it is all about what is in your best interests! We will give you every opportunity to reach a favourable out of court settlement. That said, there are just some matters that really need to be determined by a court.

People before profit

In this day and age, the hunger for profit is often placed above people. In recent years in this country, law firms have been allowed to publicly list on the stock exchange. We are a small to medium sized law firm that prides itself on “people over profits”.

Over the years we have resisted the temptation (and in some cases, opportunities), to expand in size to what some would call a large firm. As the saying goes… bigger is not always better.

Because we have a tight-knit and cohesive team, you will never feel like just a number at Kennedy Spanner Lawyers.

Whilst we have a very strong desire to help many people through difficult times, experience has taught us to manage the number of people we are attempting to serve at any time. We do not take on all cases. If we take on every case and have too many clients at any one time, the quality of our service could suffer.

Who you will work with

We employ lawyers and team members who:

  • go the extra yard to achieve the very best for our clients;
  • understand that the problems we are helping people with are often life altering events for our clients;
  • give excellent legal advice;
    empower our clients to make informed decisions; &
  • want to become not only exceptional lawyers, but the very best version of themselves that they can be.